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League Match Round up 21/11/2015

  • 28/11/15
  • By Peter Raynbird
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Peter Raynbird Reports on the league matches played on Saturday 21st November

Division One.
Sherborne St John moves back to second position in the table after beating Hampshire Irons 3-2 at home. They took a 15th minute lead through Ibraheem Waheed, but two minutes later Irons were level when Kieran Dent and James Arnold combined to give Charlie Henry his chance.. Arnold broke through and was foiled by the Sherborne keeper Darren Gary and only two one on one saves by Dax Bayle stopped Sachin Rai regaining the Sherborne lead. They did however go ahead in the 60th when a 25 yard strike by Alez Izzo proved too good for the keeper and then Rae made it 3-1 after taking on three men. Irons had a good final fifteen chasing the game when Craig Hopper and James Ashford had good chances, but their only reply came when Henry scored his second following a corner by Anton Medford.

Division Two

Following their heavy defeat against Overton B the previous week, Basingstoke Athletic Reserves came back to AFC Berg 2-1. Tom Strong gave them a 6th minute lead following a free kick by Dave Trevelion. It was just before half time when Kieran Alleyne equalized in this very even contest. The decider came in the 65th when Ryan Cousins picked up a clearance from James Byrne, went on a good run and beat Simon Edwards. Berg were always dangerous, but good goalkeeping by Sam Lounton and with Tim Webb, very sound at the back, they assured no equalizer.

TDI Group gave Basingstoke United a tough game, only to lose 5-4 in the end. Dan Southgate played Joe Cook through for the United lead and after Graham Jenkins equalized, Lewis Clayton took a pass from Cook to see them 2-1 up at the break. Good saves by James Sallows stopped TDI leveling, but one minute into the second half Cook scored again from a Cullum Silcox assist for a 3-1 lead. A great fight back saw Hugo Carlos score twice to level the scores, but Cook was on top form and completed his hat trick and then Clayton netted his second to see them 5-3 in front. TDI were not done and when Matt Beoble scored to pull it back to 5-4 a draw looked on and only the linesman flag stopped the equalizer in the last minute when Jenkins found the net again.