New Forest Futsal 21/22 League Flyer
Want to join the New Forest League? Check out: 1. League Flyer 2. League Entry Form Remember: ZERO ENTRY COSTS, NO PLAYER REG COSTS ONLY £22 FOR 60MINS OF FUTSAL - VENUE AND REF INCLUDED
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Marchwood Rangers will be playing in the New Forest & District 9v9 League, and are looking for players. If interested contact Stephen Price on 02380661919/07796278503 or alternatively email
Marchwood Rangers will be playing in the New Forest & District 9v9 League, and are looking for players. They are a friendly well managed local club, and welcome players to training.
If interested contact Stephen Price on 02380661919/07796278503 or alternatively email
for more information visit:
Want to join the New Forest League? Check out: 1. League Flyer 2. League Entry Form Remember: ZERO ENTRY COSTS, NO PLAYER REG COSTS ONLY £22 FOR 60MINS OF FUTSAL - VENUE AND REF INCLUDED
As agreed at the AGM, the league entries for 20/21 are attached. The league is flexible re new entries prior to the start and during the season
Agenda minutes